Coronavirus Health Screening App

The Nemak Health Screening App is available now!

GATEWAY Safety Awareness: Return to Work

Weekly HSE Communication Awareness. Return to Work: Welcome Back to Nemak!

TAYLOR COVID-19 Control Plan - Employee Guidance, part 2

A short time ago, the "Coronavirus Update: Returning to Work" document was shared to explain measures being implemented to ensure social distancing, cleaning and prevention, and proper quarantine protocol in every area of our facilities. As we continue to work towards resuming production, further actions that are being taken to reduce the spread of the virus are outlined in this guidance.

TAYLOR Return to Work

Before shutting down operations, every Nemak plant in the US and Canada had begun implementing safety measures such as temperature screening, which will continue upon resuming production. In addition to the actions already in place, we are implementing additional measures to ensure social distancing, cleaning and prevention, and proper quarantine protocol in every area of our facilities, outlined in the following pages.

GATEWAY Return to Work

Before shutting down operations, every Nemak plant in the US and Canada had begun implementing safety measures such as temperature screening, which will continue upon resuming production. In addition to the actions already in place, we are implementing additional measures to ensure social distancing, cleaning and prevention, and proper quarantine protocol in every area of our facilities, outlined in the following pages.

Nemak to support COVID-19 contingency measures with 3D printing technology

These efforts aim to bring together a variety of social actors focused on providing public and private healthcare providers alike with as many tools as possible to face the crisis triggered by the spread of COVID-19 in the country.


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