Nemak is a leading provider of innovative lightweighting solutions for the global automotive industry, specializing in the development and manufacturing of aluminum components for powertrain and body structure applications.
TAYLOR Return to Work

Dear Nemak Team,
For many weeks, our employees have been working from home or on lay-off as our plants temporarily shut down due to customer demand. We have been closely monitoring the evolving dynamics of the coronavirus situation to best protect our people, communities, and environments in which we work.
As organizations implement measures to reduce the spread of this virus, automotive OEMs are preparing to restart production. Therefore, suppliers will resume too, with the renewed demand. Nemak is scheduling start-up processes at each plant based on individual customer demands.
Before shutting down operations, every Nemak plant in the US and Canada had begun implementing safety measures such as temperature screening, which will continue upon resuming production.
In addition to the actions already in place, we are implementing additional measures to ensure social distancing, cleaning and prevention, and proper quarantine protocol in every area of our facilities, outlined in the following pages. Most notably, in areas where social distancing is not possible, employees will be required to wear facemasks provided by Nemak.
Your health is of the utmost importance. This situation is constantly evolving and decisions are made with the best information available to us. We are engaged with industry colleagues to share best practices for the health and safety of our communities.
We sincerely appreciate your support and understanding of our efforts to keep all of us safe and healthy.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and see you soon,
Nemak Leadership
COVID19 Control Plan – Employee Guidance
Temperature Check and General Screening
Temperature screening of all employees, visitors, contractors will continue.
A high temperature (fever) is a common symptom of COVID-19 coronavirus. If you have a fever with a temperature greater than 98.96oF or 37.2oC, you will be asked to isolate at home. This will also be the case if you’ve been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus.
Employees may return to work after a 14-day period of self-quarantine under the following conditions:
- If during the last 72 hours of the 14-day period the worker has not had a body temperature greater than 98.96oF or 37.2oC without the use of fever-reducing medication,
- No additional symptoms are present (cough, shortness of breath)
A person who subsequently has tested negative for the virus during the time of self-quarantine may return to work at any time with a copy of the test result, or a doctor’s note communicating the result of a negative COVID-19 test.
Start of Shift Disinfection
All employees are responsible for disinfecting their respective workstation at the start of the shift. Specifically, any touchpoint such as control buttons, hoist controls, steering wheel etc. In addition to your normal PPE, nitrile chemical resistant gloves are required to be worn when disinfecting your workstation. A safety data sheet SDS is available upon request. Disinfectant materials and instructions will be provided by your department or supervisor.
Disinfection Activities
Enhanced cleaning and disinfection schedules are being implemented throughout our facilities. These actions include, but are not limited to:
- Regular disinfection of locker rooms and bathrooms
- Regular disinfection of door handles
- Regular disinfection of cafeterias
Social Distancing
Social distancing is a critical tool in preventing spreading of COVID-19 coronavirus. Be conscious of and practice social distancing at all times – at least 6ft (or 2m) apart.
In an effort to implement social distancing measures, there will be several changes to the facility. To highlight some of the changes:
- Employee entrance
- Only one person will be allowed in the lobby area at a time, this includes but is not limited to, shift start and end, going outside during breaks, meeting with security
- All will be required to stop to get their screening as outlined above.
- Once each individual has completed his/her screening, the individual will move through the turn style and the next person may enter the lobby.
- Follow social distancing by standing on the yellow lines leading to the entrance
- When there is bad weather (rain, snow, etc), employees should wait in the tent if there is a line to enter the lobby
- Manual clock out by supervisors at end of shift, no swiping in or out required
- Locker rooms
- Locker Rooms will be broken into zones and lockers may be re-assigned
- Employees who need to access the locker rooms to change uniforms because they are too dirty to wear home will be allowed to change
- Other employees, who are reasonably able, will be asked to wear their uniforms to and from work
- Employees may wash their uniforms at home or return them the following day to be laundered
- Note: if your uniform is fire retardant, you will need to follow the washing instructions handout, which is available in the HR Dept or on the Communication Board.
- Locker room access will be monitored to ensure social distancing
- Maintain 6’ between you and another employee. If you are unable to approach your locker because the area is occupied, social distance and wait until the area is clear.
- Break rooms and cafeteria changes – maximum occupancy limit per table
- Two person maximum occupancy limit per table (sit across from an “x” marked on the table)
- Work stations
- If you share a work station or table, wait for the person to step away before approaching
- Clean your work station, wiping down surface areas and control buttons
- When speaking to each other on the plant floor, maintain a distance of 6 feet, move or move to an area where there is less noise to have the conversation.
Face Masks (surgical style)
In areas where social distance is not possible (6ft or 2m) at your workstations, you will be required to wear a facemask. If the mask must be removed for any reason, you must be a safe distance away from any person and you should only touch the straps—not the front of the mask—when removing and putting on the mask. This will reduce the potential of spreading the virus from those who may not be exhibiting any symptoms. It is critical that masks remain on while at your workstations.
Mask Re-Use & Care
Surgical Style Masks
Surgical Style Masks are not used to protect the wearer from Coronavirus exposure, but rather to reduce the risk of the wearer exposing others from exhaled droplets if they may be infected. As such, surgical style masks may be re-used under the following conditions:
- The mask maintains its structural and functional integrity (no tears, rips etc.)
- The filter material is not physically damaged, soiled, or contaminated
- The same person is re-using the mask
- When masks are being re-used, they must be stored in a closed paper bag marked with the employee’s name.
- When removing masks, employees must remove by touching the straps only, without touching the front of the mask. Wash hands thoroughly (20 seconds) immediately after removing.
- When putting a re-used mask back on, do so by touching the straps only, without touching the front of mask if possible. Wash hands thoroughly (20 seconds) immediately after putting mask back on.
For more information or questions contact your supervisor or HSE Staff