Occupational health and safety

At Nemak, Occupational Health and Safety refers to the physical and mental well-being of our employees by providing a work environment that meets and exceeds the applicable legal standards for OHS. We aim to reduce the number and severity of work-place related injuries and lower the impact of errors and mistakes through preventative programs to identify and eliminate risks, employee training and mental-health awareness initiatives.

Diversity and inclusion

When we refer to Diversity and Inclusion, we refer to creating an inclusive culture built on equity, equality, and non-discriminatory principles. For Nemak, this includes the topics of workplace diversity (age, race, disability, ethnicity, other characteristics are what make Nemak’s employees unique), equal opportunities for recruitment, selection, career development, and learning, fair compensation and benefits, and avoiding complicity. Nemak's Code of Conduct and Diversity and Inclusion Policy provide a guideline for our employees, as well for our suppliers.


One of the four pillars of the Company’s sustainability model is to create sustainable value for the communities where it operates. As a good corporate citizen, it implements social, cultural and community projects as a core element of its strategy. Nemak sees itself as a local driver of growth, contributing to structural development, education, and equal opportunities in the communities where it is present.

Some examples of Nemak’s community engagement in 2021:

  • In Mexico, Nemak supported the maintenance and renovation of school infrastructure in low-income areas near its facility, benefitting around 2,500 children in partnership with the regional government.
  • We continued our annual support for the ALFA Fundación, donating approximately US$950,000 and helping more than 1,700 people.Nemak Mexico donated more than US$1.39 million to the benefit of approximately 5,000 people, and over 200 employees joined initiatives to help local communities